Period Delay


Period Delay

A course of norethisterone to delay your period does not act as a contraceptive.

Why delay a period?

Periods can be uncomfortable, inconvenient or really painful. Most women have regular periods, so are used to being prepared for when they happen and to making adjustments to their lives as needed. But if you’re going on holiday or have exams coming up, you may want to delay your period. Hormone treatment can allow you to do this.

What am I booking?

This service is a private (paid-for) consultation with a Pharmacist who will give you advice and, if you are eligible, the medication you will need for delaying your period for up to 14 days.

We offer Period Delay pills from £35.

Book Your Consultation Online

This service is available in the following pharmacies.

Wilberforce Pharmacy Hull

Wilberforce Pharmacy, 21 Story Street, Hull, HU1 3SA