At our clinic, we offer private microsuction ear wax removal as a safe and effective way to remove excess ear wax and improve hearing and comfort. Microsuction is a specialized technique that uses gentle suction to remove ear wax, and it is often preferred over traditional ear irrigation methods. Our trained and experienced professionals are dedicated to providing the highest quality ear wax removal service to our patients.
Microsuction is a technique for removing ear wax using a specialized suction device. It is a quick and painless process that is usually done in the clinic and requires no preparation. The provider will gently insert the suction device into the ear canal and use it to remove the excess ear wax. This technique is safe and effective, and it can help to improve hearing and reduce ear discomfort.
There are several reasons why microsuction may be the preferred method for ear wax removal:
If you are interested in our microsuction ear wax removal service, please contact us to schedule an appointment. Our trained professionals will be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you determine if microsuction is right for you.
Consultation: £10
Microsuction single ear: £35
Microsuction Both Ears: £70
This service is available in the following pharmacies.